Custom WordPress and WooCommerce Development

Author: kathy

  • Nav Menu Roles Plugin

    Over the weekend I was working on a project and my client needed to be able to hide certain menu links from non-logged in users.  In the past I have just created 2 menus, one for logged in users, and another for logged out users.  Not the most convenient thing ever, but simple enough.  However,…

  • Absolute PHP Basics for WordPress Newbs

    “I’m just a designer. I’m comfortable with CSS but PHP scares me.” Yeah ok, well first off, if you are a designer…. instead of banging your head into a wall to learn a coding language, why not hire a developer? Some of my best clients have been designers. It is kind of a win, win.…

  • Radio Buttons for Taxonomies

    Every now and then I run across a client who needs a taxonomy where the user is restricted to only allowing one term per post.  I’ve also seen people wanting this a few times for categories, and I, myself, have wished for it a few times.  Sometimes a post needs to be like a piece of paper…

  • A Newbie’s Guide to WordPress Hooks and Functions

    When people start wanting to customize WordPress, specifically a theme like Thematic, or a plugin like WooCommerce, I always see questions like: How do I add “something”, “somewhere”? or How do I remove “something” from “somewhere”? or How do I change “something”? At first it is easy to think that adding a div to the…

  • KIA Subtitle

    KIA Subtitle

    Recently I was working on a project and needed a subtitle. There are probably two subtitle plugins already in existence. I happened to pick The Subtitle by Luc Princen, which worked pretty much as intended except the actually input box wasn’t always where it was supposed to be and I found that admin notices seemed…

  • Thematic 1.0.1 Upgrade

    After a long wait, Thematic 1.0.1 has been live in the WordPress repositories now for a couple of days now! And some issues are starting to crop up in the forum. So far the most recurring issues have to do with the menus. Oh menus, you never cease to cause trouble. The problem is that…

  • How to Use Multiple WYSIWYG (TinyMCE) Visual Editors in Your WordPress Metaboxes

    Ever since WordPress invented the metabox, people have been trying to put the rich text editor (in WP this is provided by TinyMCE) into their metaboxes. And it makes sense. Sure us uber-geeks know the HTML tags required to make some text bold, but most of the world does not. But they do know how…

  • Create an Alphabetical Glossary of Posts in WordPress

    Once up a time i did a client project where i had to have archives organized alphabetically.   I ended up accomplishing by adding a query variable and targeting the posts_where filter.  However, in answering a recent question at WordPress Stack Exchange I decided that it might be neater to create a hidden taxonomy instead.  I…

  • Customizing the WordPress Install Process with install.php

    I came across a super interesting post at WPBits about [automating the wordpress installation][1] process.  Some of the parts about where some of the functions are located in WP that allow you to change certain things on the installation are outdated since the post is from 2007, but the concept remains perfectly intact.  If you find…

  • How to Find any Facebook ID

    Sometimes when using WordPress plugins you sometimes need to provide a facebook ID number. If the facebook URL you are looking at is using a username instead of an ID number it isn’t inherently obvious how to find that profile’s ID number.  You can go into a photo album and it might appear as part…